Thursday, 12 March 2015

Workout routine for women: a detailed overview

So, if you are a beginner and you would love to get in shape, then getting a workout routine for women will be the first step towards your goal. But, that should not be enough to get what you want. Therefore, I am writing this article, to make sure that you are headed with the right routine and with the right effort. First of all, you must understand that this is a long term process, and you must always remember that change will come, but it will take time and effort. If you are looking for shortcuts and waiting for a miracle to happen, then please step back, because it’s not for you obviously. And, you must also remember that change is something which comes with time, not with how much supplements you take and how less you eat. Change will eventually be there, if you know the right direction or if you know how to proceed in that direction. Make sure that you follow all the things mentioned here, and you will notice a change in your life, which you always wanted to happen.


Workout routine for women: the science behind this

So, before we start with the routines, let’s talk a bit about the science going to work behind all this. First of all, if you think that lifting weights will get you on bulkier side, and you might end up looking like men, then please flush that knowledge right now. And, I am totally serious about this. All this knowledge is fake and absolutely wrong. The only thing which can make you look bulky and ugly is steroids. Men are full with testosterone hormones, which help them in muscle growth. Women are also having them, but in a little quantity. So, it doesn't matter how much you lift, you are always going to gain lean muscle. So, please throw that theory right out of the window.

Workout routine for women: Cardio exercises

So, if you want to lose some fat, and gain stamina, then the best way to do so is through cardio exercises. I know that women are always leaned towards running on treadmills, and they think that running is the only thing in world that would make them slimmer than ever. Well, to be honest with you, the amount of fat, you lose through running is not enough because it always gets back on. The best way to lose those bulky fats is through cardio and strength exercises. Well, we will talk about strength training later, but for now let’s concentrate on cardio exercises. Below, I have listed top 3 cardio exercises for women, which will accelerate your stamina and fat burning.
  • Burpees – the idea is very simple in this exercise. The first and foremost thing, which you have to do is getting in push-up position and then standing up again, and then back on the same position. Below, I have given a link to a YouTube video, where you can see how to perform them, and a pictorial representation too. You will have to do this 10-15 reps per set, and there should at least 3 sets of these. The time interval between each set should be 30-45 minutes, and you should not drink any water in between the sets.

  • Sprinting – so now this one will leave your sweating a lot, because sprinting will really make you work harder than ever. Now, to start with, you must get on a treadmill, and start running at your maximum speed for at least 1 minute, and then walk slowly. This will bring your heart beat down a little, and then start running at the greater pace till failure. Continue this for at least 4-5 minutes. Make sure that you don’t overdo this, because it will bring fatigue in.

  • Planks – this is the indeed the most easy thing to do, but hard to keep doing it for a longer time. It’s a simple position, which can be seen in the below given picture, and then hold that position for at least a minute. Continue this exercise for at least 4-5 minutes, and you shall feel a terrible pain on your abdomen, which is definitely good for losing that bulging belly fat.

Workout routine for women: weight training

Weight training is definitely a misunderstood part, which you must love to skip, but beware that skipping this party is like skipping the main thing in this article. If you are looking forward to achieve your goal, then you must start weight training as soon as possible. Below, I have stated 2 sections, the first one is upper body strength and the second section is lower body strength. You must perform upper body in a single day and lower body the other day, then take rest for a day, and then start with cardio exercise.
Section 1: upper body training
Upper body workout will make sure that you are getting enough muscles on your shoulders, biceps and triceps, and back, which will enhance your body structure a lot. You will have to perform these exercise at least 3-4 sets with 10-15 reps.
  • Chest presses with dumbbells – choose a weight which is convenient to hold, and then lie down on bench and raise the dumbbells together vertically. For more information just see the below given picture, and if you want the video tutorial then you can click on the name of the exercise.

  • Shoulder press with dumbbell – This will enhance your shoulder structure, and believe me after this your shoulders will look very pretty. All you have to do is continue this exercise with increasing weight. Don’t give up if you feel pain in shoulders. See the below given picture.

  • Standing bicep curls – this will make your biceps grow eventually, and the posture is the most important thing to follow in this. When you are lifting the weight make sure that you not using your shoulders, only the biceps should be involved. Please see the given video and picture carefully.

  • Standing triceps with rope – this will definitely bring a nice shape to your biceps and triceps. A must do exercise, if you want to bring a better shape of your body.

Section 2: lower body exercises
Lower body training is indeed the most important of all the exercises. It not only tones your legs, but it also gives you the strength to perform upper body workouts. Without a perfect lower body, you can't expect to be the best in shape.
  • Deadlifts – this is indeed the exercise, which will leave you dead. You must perform this exercise with lot of precaution, because it might injure your back bone if not done properly. See the pictures given below for proper form and posture.

  • Squats – this is the mother and father of all exercises, if you can do this perfectly, then nobody will stop you from getting the perfect toned legs, which you always desired.

  • Lunges – apart from dead lift and squats, lunges is definitely the winner among all. If you want to succeed in your life, and achieve a killer body, then lunges are something you must do.

So, these are some of the workouts routine for women which will help you throughout your life to maintain that body of yours. Apart from that don’t forget to control your diet pattern and remember that life is beautiful and nobody should stop living it unhealthy. Share this article with your loved ones, who might be interested in achieving something in their life.

1 comment:

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